ABL and Sector News

ABL extends sincere congratulations to HE General Michel Aoun on his election

November 01 2016

The Association of Banks in Lebanon board of directors held a meeting presided by Dr. Joseph Torbey to discuss various general topics. The board expressed its satisfaction to the atmosphere of political reconciliation created by the completion of the presidential election after a long vacuum in the presidency.

After extending its sincere congratulations to the Lebanese public and His Excellency General Michel Aoun on his election as President of the Republic for this important national achievement, the board shared and voiced the aspirations of   citizens that this era will pave the way for stability and prosperity and to accelerate the formation of the first government.

In the press release published by the Association, ABL Chairman Dr. Torbey added: "Reinstating Lebanon's  economic position on the map of the region, restoring its relations with its Arab neighbors to its usual momentum, and strengthen its relations with the various regional and international markets, providing the elements of partnership between the public and private sectors, and providing the necessary incentives to attract external resources and foreign investments, are all issues which the board hopes would become the central attention for the new era and order in Lebanon".

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