ABL and Sector News

ABL participates in the 3rd edition of the BDL Accelerate 2016

November 07 2016

For Lebanese startups, the money flows. In any case, the message sent by the BDL Accelerate, annual event organized for the third year by the Central Bank (begun in 2014), and dedicated to the promotion of the digital ecosystem. With the circular BDL No. 331 issued in 2013, the Central Bank allowed banks to invest in companies involved in the knowledge economy, via a guaranteed 75% of the invested amounts.

In this context, the ABL and some Lebanese banks participated in the 3rd edition of the BDL Accelerate held from 3 to 5th of November at the Forum de Beirut. This edition was marked by the presence of a large number of local and international figures in the field, including that of Tony Fadell, one of the creators of the iPod and iPhone as well as Mr. Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple's brand.

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