ABL and Sector News

Bank Audi Finances Tuition Fees of 7 USJ Students

April 03 2014

At an event held at USJ’s “Campus d’innovation et du sport” (Damascus Road) on March 21, 2014, Bank Audi sal granted 7 USJ students the sum of USD 5000 each.  

The ceremony was attended by H.E. Mr. Raymond Audi, Chairman – General Manager of Bank Audi, Reverend Father Salim Daccache, Rector of USJ, representatives from the Bank, the heads of Financial and Social Service departments at USJ, as well as faculty members and students. 

This initiative comes within the context of a solid multi-faceted relationship between the Bank and the University, which goes back over 25 years and is founded on trust and on a common mission to train future generations.

This common objective to provide students with the means to dive in the active life successfully gave rise to a “university loan” the Bank has been exclusively offering to USJ students for 5 years.

H.E. Mr. Raymond Audi first took the floor and highlighted the conformity of the project with the Bank’s social responsibility role and with its efforts to offer future generations a promising future. He also seized the occasion to “hope for a growing collaboration between both institutions” and to tell the 7 winners “who are a sample of a brilliant generation: We remain at your side to guide you on the right track.” 

As for Reverend Father Salim Daccache, he underlined that “this relationship has allowed USJ to make many events possible thanks to the financing that Bank Audi has granted and continues to grant as part of the sponsorship project aimed at public utility.” He added: “The Bank actively contributes to the training of our students by taking in a considerable number of trainees and recruiting many USJ students.”

The ceremony was followed by a cocktail reception in honour of the winners.

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