ABL and Sector News

Banque Libano-Française offers 18 Youth Packages to “La Course aux nombres” winners

July 22 2014

Banque Libano-Française (BLF) supported “La Course aux nombres” in order to ritualize the mental arithmetic practice at class, and encourage students to refine their knowledge, enhance their skills, take initiatives and elaborate time-limited strategies.

The “Course aux nombres” is a mental arithmetic competition organized by the Groupe de Recherche pour l’Enseignement des Mathématiques (GREM) related to the Agency for French Teaching Abroad (AEFE).

More than 11,000 students from grade five till ten representing 19 schools in Lebanon participated in this competition. The finals gathered more than 110 best students, of whom 18 were rewarded for their excellent results. Winners were granted trophies and BLF Youth Packages during a ceremony held on Saturday 21 June at the French Institute of Lebanon in the presence of representatives from GREM, AEFE, the “Service Culturel” of the French Embassy, BLF and participating schools.

A partner for youth ambitions, BLF supports several education and entertainment activities that target them. Furthermore, the Bank strives to guide them in their career by initiating them to the banking sector through conferences and recruitment forums in universities, as well as open days at its premises. Also, to help them manage their finances independently, the Bank offers them the “Youth Package” that is coupled with exclusive advantages.

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