ABL and Sector News

Forum on “Bridging the Gap between Enterprises and Universities” at the University of Balamand

December 07 2015

The University of Balamand (UOB) in collaboration with the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) organized a forum on “Bridging the Gap between Enterprises and Universities” that was held on December 4th, 2015 at the University of Balamand.

The Association of Banks in Lebanon was represented by Mr. Bechara Khachan, HR Development Director, who was invited as guest to participate in the panel: “Skills Gap and Future Trends in Lebanon”. This panel aims to explore the perceptions and expectations of industry professionals with regard to graduates’ skills.

In his presentation, Mr. Khachan describes three generation of human resources, stressing on the last one (born after 1995), as more reliant on technology and in particular on communication technologies…. He also added: “ By 2019, this generation will make up over 20% of the workforce, making now a critical time for companies to understand how to best lead, work with, and support that generation...” .

Addressing the Organizations, Mr. Khachan strongly recommended to re-think Human Resources policies using a “priority list” that comprehends, among other items, “a shift from rigid discipline to impact on the essence of the activity and its bottom line…”


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