ABL and Sector News

Fransabank launches its LL 90 Million Campaign

November 30 2010

Fransabank launched earlier today its LL 90 Million winning in cash prizes on all purchases made by all Fransabank cardholders at merchants in Lebanon and abroad.


With every spending as low as LL 90 Thousand at merchants, Fransabank gives all its cardholders the chance to win cash prizes of LL10 million each during a 90-day period!


The names of 3 lucky winners is to be made every month, bringing the total number of winners to 9 at the end of the campaign on the 1st of March, 2011 to reach a total amount of cash prizes of LL 90 Million.   


Draws are held under the supervision of the Lebanese National Lottery on:

§         First Draw: Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

§         Second Draw: Friday, February 4th, 2011

§         Third Draw: Tuesday, March 4th, 2011


Mr. Philippe El Hajj, Deputy General Manager of Fransabank, Head of Retail and Branch Network, pointed out that the objective of this campaign is to share all Fransabank cardholders this joyful holiday season and thank them for their loyalty to Fransabank, the banking group with the largest and most established payment cards portfolio.


It is worth noting that Fransabank, the pioneering bank in launching revolutionary banking services for individuals and the holder of several awards for providing innovative cards for the local and regional markets, was the first to launch several first-in-town cards, such as the Euro Card that was launched in 1997, the Lira Card in 1998 and the Paypass Card that was launched in 2006. Through this campaign and many others, Fransabank always seeks to reward the holders of its large and diverse portfolio of cards, available in all currencies and used globally at millions of points of sale.
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