During a press conference held on March 3 2010, at hotel Sofitel Le Gabriel, Banque Bemo sal launched its Banking Mediation Unit.
The event occurred in the presence of several representatives of Banque Bemo, in particular, Messrs. Henri Obegi, Chairman, Jean Hajjar, Member of the Board & Advisor to the Chairman, and Samih Saadeh, General Manager, as well as Banque Bemo’s partner, the Professional Center for Mediation (CPM) of Saint Joseph University (USJ) represented by Pr. René Chamussy, Recteur of USJ and Mrs. Johanna Hawari-Bourgély, Director of the CPM of USJ.
Mr. Saadeh inaugurated the press conference by a quick overview of Banque Bemo sal and Bemo Group. Pr. Chamussy’s word which highlighted the continuous diversity of USJ activities, in particular the creation of a Mediation Center directly linked to the rectorate. Mrs. Hawari-Bourgély presented the CPM of USJ and pointed out the importance of the mediation, the different realizations of the Center, and announced future projects.
Me Joëlle Cattan stressed on the importance of creating a Banking Mediation Unit at Banque Bemo, since it is the first Banking Mediation Unit in the country, which purpose is to prevent or resolve in a mutually agreeable way the conflicts between Banque Bemo and its clients or suppliers…. She highlighted also that Lebanon is a suitable framework for mediation which is at the confluence of several disciplines on one hand, and at a point meeting between the protagonists on the other hand, like Lebanon is at the crossroads of cultures and civilizations. While noting that the Chart purpose is to define the context in which mediation takes place, Me Cattan clarified in particular the nature of the conflicts covered by the Mediation Unit and identified the role of the mediator.