The ABL Board of Directors held a general assembly for its members in order to prepare a list of temporary banking directives that banks could implement to facilitate, standardize and regulate the daily work of employees in light of the country’s present exceptional circumstances; given that the content of this list does not impose restrictions on the movement of money and is prepared with great care to safeguard the clients’ and public interests, in order to overcome the existing circumstances. As for the general temporary directives agreed on in consultation with Banque Du Liban (the Central Bank), they are as follows:
The President of the Association of Banks in Lebanon, along with a delegation from the Board, will submit the list of general temporary directives to the President and members of the Federation of Syndicates of Banks Employees in Lebanon in a meeting for both parties that will be held on Monday the 18th of November 2019, as a preparation to resuming the normal work in the banking sector.
The Department of Communication & PR