ABL and Sector News

Press Release regarding Verdun Blast / June 13, 2016

June 13 2016

The Board of Directors of the Association of Banks in Lebanon held an extraordinary meeting today at 11h at ABL premises to discuss the current developments after yesterday’s evening blast in Verdun area, and issued the following statement:

           1-  The Association shares with all Lebanese the condemnation and the denunciation of the blast on a leading economic institution, and considers that this action hits the whole banking sector, and aims at weakening the economic stability. The Association of Banks in Lebanon notes that banks are used to work in an environment full of challenges, where the banking sector always emerges stronger and more solid.  

         2-  The Association of Banks in Lebanon calls upon the judicial and security authorities to detect and reveal the criminal actors as they succeeded in previous incidents where they deservedly earned worldwide appreciation. 

           3-  The Association of Banks in Lebanon confirms that banks operate according to the best professional practices and within the prevailing regulations in the international markets, and are also subject to Lebanese Laws in force and the provisions of the Central Bank circulars in order to preserve the interests of all Lebanese.


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