Lebanon began the application of tax payment service through credit cards in the interest of the Ministry of Finance as of last August, with the collaboration of Net Commerce electronic, e-payment gateway, and in cooperation with the "Credit Libanais" and "Fransabank”.
For this purpose, HE Mr. Adnan Kassar, Chairman of Fransabank and Dr. Joseph Torbey, Chairman of Credit Libanais, held a joint press conference. Mr. Kassar delivered a speech where he said: “Today marks a milestone in the history of Lebanon. A joint cooperation among Fransabank, Credit Libanais, Ministry of Finance, Net Commerce Corporation, and TeleInvast has led to announce today the birth of a service which offers the Lebanese citizen the latest updated technological facilities... we are launching an innovative, easy-to-use, guaranteed, instant, safe, optional and confidential service that comes in harmony with our achievements' records in this area and with our slogan "Tomorrow starts now". Such a service is an essential tributary in Lebanon’s efforts to keep pace with the rapidly developing technology in all fields, in order to achieve what is known today as the E Government, reducing eventually the administrative and financial bureaucracy, and alleviating its burden and repercussion on the Lebanese citizens..."
Dr. Alain Hakim, Assistant General Manager of the Group Credit Libanais said: "The electronic tax payment service relating to the Ministry of Finance is available in two ways: via credit card, which started in last August, and by the accounts online banking with banks that support this service which comprehends a range of banks, including the Credit Libanais.
He also explained that "tax payers can now access the ministry's website on the internet and begin the banking payment process, in the sense that, for example, the person who wants to pay the property tax should access the ministry website, enter the number of his/her property, to know the amount to be settled", noting that this endeavor is intended to "stay in harmony with consistent services and technical development requirements, and provide the best service to the nation and citizens at the same time", reminding that the Ministry of Finance website address is: www.finance.gov.lb.
Dr. Hakim also talked about the importance of the electronic payment which "lies in the fact that the public and private sectors across their cooperation have introduced a new culture, where major countries have preceded us in order to save time and transportation ...".