ABL and Sector News

The Francophone Banking Union officially launched by 20 associations and federations of banking associations

June 14 2013

The Francophone Banking Union was officially launched by 20 associations and federations of banking associations, with the support of the International Organization of the French-speaking countries (Francophonie).

The Steering Committee of the Francophone Banking Union held a meeting on June 14, 2013 in the premises of the French Banking Federation (FBF). Members present, CEOs and representatives of banking associations from 16 countries[1] along with the Union of Arab Banks, the Union of Maghreb banks, the Federations of banks’ associations of the WAEMU and the CEMAC, the International Organization for the French-speaking countries (Francophonie) and the West African Economic and Monetary Union Commission (WAEMU)[2] signed the charter which defines the objectives and the organization of the French Banking Union.

Professional associations’ signatories of this Charter shall undertake, to the possible extent, to:

- Encourage the collection and flow of information, and mutual understanding between the members and the sharing of best practices on issues of common interest;

- Promote international cooperation in the professional circles, in the spirit of solidarity that drives the Francophonie, to provide concrete answers to the challenges that associations share;

- Exchange of know-how and scientific knowledge;

- Exchange of experiences and share out efforts, particularly in the preparation of certain national or international events.


Recognizing the validity of this approach, the Secretary General of the French-speaking countries (Francophonie), President Abdou Diouf, took part in the first conference of the French Banking Union in Marrakech on September 20th, 2012 and confirmed the purpose of the Union to become partner of the International Organization of the French-speaking countries (Francophonie).

The Freancophone Banking Union have a dedicated website to provide access to the banking associations sites of the professional members, and will contain information and data relating to the French Banking Union and its work, and any other item that members would agree upon.

The French Banking Union is an initiative launched in September 2010 by several banking associations using the French language, in order to create a network for sharing information and exchange on key topics of interest to banking communities in French-speaking countries, on the basis of a participatory and light structure. Its steering committee aims at building this network and organizing bi-yearly a conference on issues of common interest. The first conference was held on September 20th, 2012 in Marrakech (Morocco), and was dedicated to supporting the environment of small and medium-sized firms (TPE, PME). The next conference will be held in Brussels in 2014.

[1]  Algeria, Belgium, Benin, Cameroun, Canada, Ivory Cost, France, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Morocco, Maurice Islands, Monaco, DR Congo, Switzerland, Tunisia.

[2]  The WAEMU countries are: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Cost, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo.

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