ABL and Sector News

The UK Ambassador to Lebanon visits the Association of Banks in Lebanon

November 02 2016


ABL Board of Directors received on November 2nd in its premises at Saifi, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Lebanon HE Mr. Hugo Shorter. President Torbey and the Board Members informed him of the external action taken by the ABL since many years to improve communication with the most important references, financial institutions and banks in major international capitals and with correspondent banks with Lebanese ones, particularly in terms of highlighting  the continued efforts of the Lebanese banking system, represented by the monetary and supervisory authorities as well as banks, to enable the  performance in the fight against financial crime and terrorism, and minimize tax evasion.

To complement these contacts with the world's financial capitals, ABL Board of Directors expressed the wish to organize a working visit to the capital London seeking the Ambassador to collaborate in its programming and to provide the means of success. The demand is well accepted with the promise of follow-up.

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