ABL and Sector News

USD 100 000 offered in three years for environmental projects by Banque Libano-Française, UNDP- Lebanon and MasterCard

September 24 2014

Banque Libano-Française and the United Nations Development Program in Lebanon (UNDP) offered USD 20,000 to the winner of the 2014 ecological competition of the Earth Card, bringing the total amount granted to green projects to USD 100,000 over the past three years.

The 2014 winning project, "Assistance to the community of Baabda affected by the fire" proposed by the "Association for Forests, Development & Conservation" (AFDC), was selected by a jury composed of both BLF and UNDP representatives. It was awarded during a press conference on September 19, 2014 at Le Royal Hotel, as part of the "Beirut Energy Forum". 

"The financing of this project is generated by the revenues of BLF Earth MasterCard Credit Card, the first green card in Lebanon launched in 2011, under the supervision and implementation of  UNDP", said Myrna Wehbé, Head of Cards Services at BLF.

"At MasterCard, we believe that doing well and doing good are not mutually exclusive. We are delighted by the great results of our partnership with BLF and UNDP - Lebanon and will continue to work with our partners to make a positive impact on the community while driving the growth of electronic payments" said Basel El Tell, Market Manager, Levant, MasterCard. 

The 2015 Earth Card competition "Environmental Awareness" was also announced during the conference by Gaëlle Kibranian, UNDP Private Sector Focal Point who explained that this theme was selected "to encourage a large number of organizations and groups to participate in this competition, thus influencing a broader range of Lebanese citizens" before inviting the participants to download their proposals on the site www.eblf.com/green and submit them before February 15, 2015.

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