Addressing the exceptional circumstances Lebanon is currently undergoing and that foster distance learning in all fields, and in order to follow up on the developments of the banking sector and the global technological evolution, the Human Resources Department of the Association of Banks in Lebanon signed a cooperation agreement with VALOORES company. This agreement was concluded to accelerate the adoption of the digital transformation and the developments of e-learning, especially for the benefit of the ABL-eT platform established in 2017, in order to offer the best for the employees of the banking sector, whether they are technicians or middle and senior cadres, the aim being to bring their performance to the highest level.
VALOORES is one of the main companies providing programs and consultations and allowing their clients to take wise decisions regarding business management. The company is also capable of managing any kind of financial report related to governance system, risks, total profitability and payment systems.
The aforementioned company will provide the HR Department with new topics and learning material that would be of interest to all bank employees within their competences. The choice of languages will be available to them as well as the participation to various forums, discussions, surveys and competitions
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